Tyler Obedience Training Club (TOTC)
We teach YOU to train your dog!
Tyler Obedience Training Club | PO Box 7396 | Tyler, TX 75711
Helpful Links
TOTC Forms and Applications
Constitution & Bylaws: Bylaws.pdf
Membership Application: MemberAp.pdf
Membership Renewal: Renewal.pdf
Let's Go to the Shows!
AKC Events: www.akc.org/events/search
USDAA Agility Events: www.usdaa.com/events.cfm
NADAC Agility Calendar: www.nadac.com/afrm/trial-calendar.asp
UKC Events: www.ukcdogs.com/WebSite.nsf/WebPages/DogFindingAShow
Canine Performance Events (CPE): www.k9cpe.com/events.htm
Jack Onofrio Dog Shows (AKC Superintendent): www.onofrio.com
Jack Bradshaw Dog Shows (AKC Superintendent): www.jbradshaw.com
Rau Dog Shows, Ltd. (AKC Superintendent): www.raudogshows.com
Foy Trent Dog Shows (AKC Superintendent): foytrentdogshows.com
Other Clubs & Training
Longview Kennel Club: www.longviewkennelclub.org
CM Streak Agility Training Center, Frankston: www.cmstreek.com/
Top Dog Obedience Training (Garland) Show & Go Schedule: www.topdogdallas.com/show---go-obed.html
Therapet, Animal Assisted Therapy: therapet.org
Pet Partners (formerly Delta Society), Animal Assisted Therapy: www.petpartners.org
Dog Star Daily, "The Dog Blog": dogstardaily.com
Sponsors, Guest Speakers & Supporters
Thank You Very Much!
Dr. Jason Beard, Hide-A-Way Small Animal Clinic, Lindale: hawsac.org
Dr. Randal Bennett, Quitman Animal Clinic, Quitman: quitmananimalclinic.net
Nature’s Select of the ArkLaTex: nsarklatex.secure.force.com
Shelley Drive Animal Clinic, Tyler: www.shelleydriveanimalclinic.net
Pets and Friends, Tyler: www.petsandfriendsllc.com/
Dr. Paul Gainer & Dr. Michael Dixon, Flint Veterinary Clinic, Flint: www.flintvetclinic.com
Circle Star Pet Resort, near Edom: www.circlestarpetresort.com
Dr. Kipp Wingo, Van Zandt Animal Care Center, Wills Point: vzacc.com
Choosing a Breed
Your Purebred Puppy, "Advise You Can Trust" by Michele Welton: www.yourpurebredpuppy.com/dogbreeds
American Kennel Club Breed Information: www.akc.org/breeds
“A Guide to Dog Care and Training”, video by the American Kennel Club with lots of good basic information.: A Guide to Dog Care and Training
“BEFORE You Get Your Puppy”, a FREE 104-page book in pdf by Dr. Ian Dunbar provided by James & Kenneth Publishers: BEFORE You Get Your Puppy
“AFTER You Get Your Puppy”, a FREE 156-page book in pdf by Dr. Ian Dunbar provided by James & Kenneth Publishers: AFTER You Get Your Puppy
Other Information
Why Breed-Specific Legislation Doesn't Work, by the American Kennel Club: Why Breed-Specific Legislation Doesn't Work